If you pay P1,300 daily rent for a hospital room, would you care to pay a little more P30 for a pillow rental? At the Angeles Medical Center (AMC) where I gave birth to our lovely daughter Eliza Conthia last year, renting a pillow is not an option. It is compulsory.
After being a patron of the hospital for six years, I was really upset to learn that the hospital now bans the use of personal belongings inside the hospital including pillows, electric thermos, beddings, and comforters.
And worse, they charge P30 for a pillow rental. Yes, Virginia. Only in the Philippines! At least in a first-class hotel that charges P1,200 a day, you get the best beddings, towels and pillows for free! At the AMC, all you get is a bed and more misery.
Today, Eliza is already eight months and she is very beautiful. Although the hospital where she was born continues to charge such fees and possibly increased rates already. Truly, reality bites!
(I am just one of the many clients who are complaining of the poor services of many hospitals here in the Philippines. Only a few high-end private hospitals here provide the best accommodation to their patients. This is a shared story of my daughter and me.)